Our project towards sustainability

With its 92,000 hectares of urban green areas, Rome ranks among the greenest cities in the world and with its enormous cultural heritage it represents a city of inestimable value. To preserve these conditions, help minimize our impact on the environment and guarantee safety and eco-sustainability standards that make every stay green, we have started a process of constant changes in recent years.
“From Orange to Green” represents in 4 simple words our commitment to green and sustainable tourism in Rome. This leads to a greater awareness of environmental and social issues, the choice of suppliers and business partners who look in the same direction and encourage guests to do the same.


We are proud that 47 Boutique Hotel is the first hotel in Rome to obtain Green Globe membership, the world’s leading certification for sustainable operation and management of travel & tourism worldwide.
The recognition certifies the commitment of our structure towards sustainable development, not only for the conservation of the environment but also for the positive impact on a social and economic level and the protection of cultural heritage.

Find out more about our path towards sustainability!

Green Globe
Risparmio idrico ed energetico


A key aspect for good management of resources for the environment is energy and water saving. The use of new ecological procedures and products, the use of totally renewable energy and LED bulbs minimize the environmental impact, while energy saving devices, such as the air conditioning system and the magnetic keys in the rooms make it possible to optimize the consumption. Finally, flow reducers for taps and the choice of showers helped us to significantly limit water waste. From this innovative perspective, saving does not mean reducing the efficiency of services but making the most of the resources available.


To reduce the use of single-dose plastic, we have chosen corn starch, recycled paper and organic cotton accessories. The initiatives also include the rechargeable dispensers of the Grown Alchemist organic courtesy line, awarded with the “Positive Luxury – Brand to trust” price, and the Filette aluminum bottles of water that guests can fill using the dispenser in the structure.

Riduzione plastica
Scelte alimentari


Our commitment to the environment also affects our food choices. We mainly select 0km seasonal products in support of local producers, thus helping to minimize CO2 emissions caused by the transport of goods. Furthermore, 47 Hortus represents a self-production project. The 4 hectares land with more than 200 olive trees within the Marturanum Regional Park in Tuscia, is dedicated to the production of oil and organic vegetables. In November 2023 we produced our first 100% Italian extra virgin olive oil, cold extracted, canino and leccino blend with a pungent and delicate flavor. This allowed us to bring a very high quality and completely sustainable homemade product to the 47 Circus Roof Garden. Finally, we have also started the production of 0 km vegetables, planted and harvested according to seasonality.


The central location of 47 Boutique Hotel allows you to easily reach the main attractions of the city on foot or by public transport. We also promote sustainable mobility by offering a free bike rental service for our guests, who can discover the beauties around us with no stress. Among the activities that can be booked in the structure, there are private walking tours with certified guides: another green and sustainable way to get to know Rome and its history.

Mobilità sostenibile


With the implementation of the Green Program, we also limit the excessive use of detergents, water and energy: our guests can give their contribution, by requesting the change of linen only when necessary. We also recommend removing the electronic key once out of the room, to turn off the lights and air conditioning, thus contributing to energy savings.


The sustainability management plan provides a complete survey of the environmental policies adopted in favor of a more sustainable tourism and indicates further development goals that 47 Boutique Hotel wants to achieve in the green field.