Narcissus. Photography in the Mirror

78 iconic shots by 35 international photographers. The Baths of Caracalla Host the exhibition Narcissus. Photography in the Mirror until November 3, 2024.

The Event

Until November 3, 2024, you can visit the exhibition Narcissus. Photography in the Mirror. 78 shots taken by 35 prominent international photographers within an exceptional location, the Baths of Caracalla.

The theme of the exhibition is the double. The guiding thread is the mirror, the act of mirroring oneself that evokes the myth of Narcissus, told by the Latin poet Ovid and which has often become a source of inspiration for photographers over time. These are images of a strongly symbolic character, open to various interpretations: portraits of famous people, enigmatic interiors and double illusions juxtaposed for harmony or contrast.

Finally, a section of the exhibition is dedicated to the Self-portrait in the Mirror, allowing a comparison with the photographers themselves, whose appearances have become as famous as their unforgettable shots.

Baths of Caracalla

Built by Emperor Caracalla between 212 and 216 AD, the Thermae Antoninianae are one of the largest and best-preserved thermal complexes in history. They were restored several times by Aurelian, Diocletian, and Theodosius but ceased to function in 537 AD.

The original decorations were very sumptuous: huge marble columns, floors made of colorful oriental marbles, painted stuccoes, and hundreds of statues. In the underground rooms, all the activities necessary for the functioning of the baths took place. In one of these areas, you can admire the largest Mithraeum in Rome, which can only be visited on special occasions.


When: from May 15 to November 3, 2024

Where: Squares of Rome

Tickets: Baths of Caracalla – Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 52


Take part in the photo exhibition Narcissus. Photography in the Mirror at the Baths of Caracalla and stay at 47 Boutique Hotel.

For more formation visit the official Website or ask our staff by writing to [email protected] or by going directly to the reception!