The Last Wonderful Minute Pietro Ruffo

The Palazzo delle Esposizioni hosts the exhibition The Last Wonderful Minute. Pietro Ruffo from 29 October 2024 to 16 February 2025.

The exhibition

Until February 16, 2025, Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome hosts an exhibition dedicated to the Roman artist Pietro Ruffo. This immersive journey through the dimensions of time and space culminates in a fascinating tribute to the Eternal City. Ruffo, renowned for his ability to navigate between painting, architecture, set design, videomaking, and literature, presents a work that goes beyond a simple exhibition: it is a dialogue between past, present, and future, between humanity and nature. The exhibition features over fifty original works that explore the relationship between humans and the Earth. The main hall, Le Monde Avant la Création de l’Homme, welcomes visitors into a primordial forest, where images of plants and minerals evoke an era when tropical jungles covered much of the land. This immersive space invites reflection on the pre-human world and the primitive harmony of nature. The other halls delve into the Anthropocene, the geological epoch defined by humanity’s impact on Earth. Ruffo highlights the remarkable capacities of humankind: abstract thought, art and innovation. Here, the artist encourages visitors to reflect on the responsibilities and potential of humans as a creative and transformative species. The exhibition concludes with a tribute to Rome,

examined and portrayed through its historical and geological dimensions. The narrative intertwines centuries of history with millennia of geological transformations. This unique perspective on the evolution of the Eternal City invites visitors to rediscover the Italian capital in a new light.

News published on: 20 November 2024
When: October 29, 2024 to February 16, 2025
Where: Palazzo delle Esposizioni - Via Nazionale, 194

Do not miss the exhibition The Last Wonderful Minute Pietro Ruffo at Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome and stay at 47 Boutique Hotel. For further information visit the official Website or ask our staff by writing to [email protected] or by going directly to the reception!

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