Ligabue. The mysteries of a Mind

Until January 12, 2025, the Museo storico della fanteria hosts the Ligabue exhibition. The mysteries of a mind. The intent is to provide an original reading of Antonio Ligabue’s works.


The exhibition Ligabue.The mysteries of a mind recounts the pieces by Antonio Ligabue from a psychological perspective, offering an updated overview of his works. Specifically, the intention is to free Ligabue from the labels attached over time: Outsider, Naïf or Brut. The aim is to analyze the artist’s works from a biographical point of view, thus showing the fundamental contribution that Ligabue gave to the history of art.

The itinerary consists of 74 works created between the end of the 1920s and the early 1960s, on loan from three private collections from Rome, Reggio Emilia and Parma. Alongside 32 bronze statues of animals, there are 18 brightly colored oil paintings (including a famous self-portrait from 1957), 3 drawings and 21 drypoints.

The main objective of the exhibition is to provide a new reading of the biography and art of Ligabue, a man who lived a solitary and irregular life, the result of an unstable and tormented mind. 60 years after his death, Antonio Ligabue’s works have not yet found a real place in terms of style, current or artistic movement.

Without a doubt, nature is one of his most loved subjects. Specifically, the animal world very often represented reflects the artist’s inner agitation, with its fragility and brutality, as well as the human condition similar to the animal one, violent by nature, whose main purpose is survival.


When: from the 28th of September to the 12th of January 2025

Where: Musei storico della fanteria – Piazza di S. Croce in Gerusalemme 9


Do not miss the immersive exhibition Ligabue. The mysteries of mind and stay at 47 Boutique Hotel.

For more formation visit the official Website or ask our staff by writing to [email protected] or by going directly to the reception.